Hi. I'm Marissa and I have a goosebump problem. If you don't know already, you need to know that I'm an emotionally driven person. I'm a peaceful soul and feel deep. I get excited about unnecessary things that are clearly necessary to myself. I break out into goosebumps at just the hum of one of my trillion favorite songs, just the mention of tacos or a kitten and I'm a goner; suffocated by my own enthusiasm. I tend to hold that part of myself back unless you've really crossed the friends line, my intensity often makes the general public nervous, or that's my insecurity getting the best of me. Either way, I'm a naturally high on life person. I'd rather feel everything so deeply that my soul has it's own heartbeat apart from my physical heart than live a life of numbness.
Where is this confession coming from? From the deepest depths of my inner being that only SJs words can reach. I had the privilege of seeing my favorite band, Third Eye Blind, a few nights ago for the fifth time. It was a long waited reunion. There's something spiritual about the way Stephan Jenkins plays on words. His lyrical genius and fearless intensity behind the words to 3ebs songs literally makes you feel like you are 'blinded by the sun'. Pun intended. There was moment, as there always is, that I felt lost as if I was swimming in open water. My vibes were at their highest that night and truth be told it's vastly difficult for me to explain the level of love I have for this band. Unlike most kids, I first heard semi charmed kind of life when I was eight. At about the same time I discovered boy bands. To keep my cover I became overly obsessed with the boy band take over but still kept my heart, for dare I say it, "real music". My mom didn't always know I was listening to bands such as 3eb, Sublime, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Incubus,, and so on. My inner misfit didn't surface to the public world until I met my first college roommate, Julez, freshman year at Urbana. I had never met a fellow SJ lover until I met her. Instantly I knew we would be life long friends on a level most people wouldn't quite grasp. (Love you chow ling)
"We become the things we do..." There are days I feel I'm a complicated being, a rare soul with too much to say and little words to say it with.
This entry needed posted, for my hearts sake ;)